The RFL guys in Bangalore brought the Ultramarathon to India a couple of years ago with the Bangalore Ultramarathon. One very passionate runner, Rajat Chouhan, already very well known in the running community, and a recognized expert in Sports and Exercise Medicine, is the driving force behind this first of a kind multi-stage desert ultramarathon.
The event website is in the construction phase, hosted at:
Runners will cover 200-250 kilometers across the deserts of Rajasthan over multiple stages in 5-7 days. It would be a typical desert terrain – Sand dunes, dry-arid flatlands, dirt. The event has been scheduled for September 2009, though the exact dates are yet to be worked out (though it has been listed as Sept 7th on The organizers will take care of runners from their arrival in Delhi, transportation to the starting place, food, accommodation, etc.
Also check:
News on the event from DNA India.
The run will be organized by Echostar Sports Pvt. Ltd
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