D-Day cometh!

Yes, D-day approacheth on Oct 16th. And that would be me at the Hutch Delhi Half Marathon, 2005. Wish me Luck!

Hutch Delhi Half Marathon route

The route map for the HDHM, to be held on Oct 16th, has been published on the HDHM website. To see details, click here.

HDHM, here I come!

Yesterday, I received the acceptance letter for the Hutch Delhi Half Marathon (HDHM), confirming my entry. I was very happy to see that, my first entry into any long distance event of this kind. It even gives my running number : 485, so if you happen to see a 485 at HDHM, you know who that was, right ๐Ÿ™‚ October is going to be a tough tough month for me, with lot of other commitments, so it will take all the determination I have to keep my running schedule on track.

Since this is my first event, I would like to know how good the organizers are here in India when it comes to organizing events like these. How are the facilities, is it just plain water, or sports drinks, any gels, etc, and at what distances. Do put in your comments if you had experiences of running in India.

Tomorrow is another big challenge for me, the 19K long run. And it is raining like anything here in Delhi, so lets see whether it would be possible to run at all or not.

Hutch Delhi Half Marathon 2005 (Oct 16)

Yesterday I registered for the Hutch Delhi Half Marathon, which is going to take place on Oct 16th. I registered through the SMS option, which I later realized was a big pain, answering one question after another on SMS. It would have been much better to simply register through their website. Anyway, this is going to be my first long distance running event, and I hope I can make this within 2 hours. I am sure this is going to be a big and well organised event, looking at the way it is being promoted in the media.