Mumbai Marathon maps compared

Top Left – 2006, Top Right – 2005 Bottom – 2004.

Just out of curiousity, and to find out if the route has changed over the years, I compared the maps of the 2004 and 2005 run to the 2006 one. 2006 and 2005 are more or less similar, only that the 2006 has the bends and turns drawn more correctly.

While I was going through some old Mumbai marathon news, one of the winners had mentioned that the route was a double loop course, which made it tougher. Thanks to Jacob for the info that this was a reference to the 2004 route. Here is what Jacob says about the route:

“… the race route for 2004 was a double loop with two bridges to climb and get down. That meant you had 8 bridges to climb up and down. With 2005, they stretched the course so u didnt have to do the loops. It’s the same course for this year. So, you would have to climb 4 bridges.”

Bloggers at Mumbai marathon

Here are the running numbers of some of my blogger friends and me, in registration order ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks to Sathish for adding on to this list.

Mine : 552

Jacob : 565

Aditya : 827

Sathish : 903

Shyam : 950

If you are a blogger, and run, and are running the Mumbai marathon on Jan 15th, 2006, do let me know your running number and your blog, I would post it here, and it would be great to see you fellow bloggers/runners in Mumbai!

Confirmation from Mumbai Marathon

This Friday, I received the entry confirmation email from Mumbai Marathon (Jan 15th, 2006). My BIB no. for the marathon is 552. Though my training for the event has not exactly gone as per schedule, but I have tried to do some running so that I dont get completely out of touch. This Sunday, I managed 11km. Hopefully, the coming week will see me getting back on track.